One of our promises to ourselves this year was to have more focus on our own needs and our lives than media and workshops and hosting.
So. Therefore we havent really been super up to date with our posts. But, better late than never.
The trip to Paris was amazing. It was raining our entire stay, but we spent our days inside most of the time anyway.
Both the workshop and masterclass was great, but we got the most out of the masterclass since we both do better in small groups n general.
There is just more time and easier to talk and get to know the other participants. Wich i do enyoj.
But the bigger the group, the harder it is.
Kinoko was an amazing host and for me it’s always a joy to see the host enjoy themselves. He is like a puppy that just goes around goofing around. But also of course giving feedback and helping the participants.
I really enjoy Kinoko as a teacher, and a rigger. He is very caring, loving and really tries his best to be understood, helpfull but also focused.
(There are more pictures in our worksshop gallery <3)
And Place De Cordes was a lovley place to visit and also a milestone for me to go diffrent rope places.
Am very happy to be going there again in June <3
Talk to you soon!
Johanna Bound <3